Holiday pastimes

Don’t have anything to do over the Winter Recess? Here are some fun ideas for your free time!

  1. Read a book. There is nothing better than burying yourself under a mountain of blankets and curling up with a new book. Or an old book! Pour a cup of hot chocolate, make a bowl of popcorn, and sit back for hours with your book.
  2. Go outside. If there’s snow on the ground, build a snowman. Or build a model of your pet out of snow to make it harder. Challenge your family to see who can build the best snowman. If there’s no snow, go for a walk. Take pictures of everything and make an album to document it.
  3. Make a movie. Yes, make a movie, not watch a movie. If you run out of things to watch, remake your favorite Christmas movie! To make it more difficult, write your own cheesy holiday movie and engage friends to be actors.
  4. Bake. Look up a recipe and bake your favorite dessert. Decorate cookies. Compete with your siblings and make it a cooking show by asking your parents to judge the dishes.
  5. Learn how to knit. Once you learn how to knit, make a scarf. Or a hat. Or gloves. If you already know how to knit, learn to crochet! Add pompoms and fringe to your creation. Wear what you made to school and show off your new talent.
  6. Build a fort. Use every blanket, couch, and pillow in your house. Challenge yourself to stay underneath for the entire day. Camp out and stay the entire night, too!

Don’t let boredom take over your vacation. Don’t let time pass by so quickly. Try one, or all, of these activities this Winter Recess! Happy Holidays!