Happy Valentine’s Day FM! Have you been stalling to ask a special someone out on a date? Well we can help you with that and today is the perfect day! Here are the top 5 things you should do to make sure the answer to your question is: yes!
1. If you aren’t already, become friends with them.
They are more likely to say yes to someone that they’ve known for some time and that they’ve built a connection with. This also gives you a chance to get to know more about them. See if you really do like this person and want to commit.
2. Be your best self.
Do your hair, make sure your breath smells nice, put on deodorant, wear the clothes you feel your best self in. Smile and be confident! Hold that eye contact, a nervous ask-outer is going to show that they aren’t fully in it.
3. Ask them out in a comfortable area.
In the chance that they do say no, it’ll be less awkward if you are in an uncrowded public area. Also, the more stressed they are, the more likely their answer will be unwanted by both parties.
4. Plan the date.
They said yes! Have something already in mind when you go to ask them out so you aren’t left blank when they ask, “So what should we do?” and the plan fizzles because there are no ideas.
5. Don’t take it too seriously.
Whether or not they said yes, remind yourself that this is one small event that doesn’t define who you are or what your capabilities are.
Good luck with your special someone!