After school on December 13th, National Art Honors Society students were invited to a workshop presented by Holly Greenberg, who is a printmaker and painter as well as an associate professor of printmaking at Syracuse University.
Greenberg founded this project when she learned about the numerous bird deaths in the city of Chicago. The city is directly in the migratory path of over 300 different bird species, many of these birds die due to collisions at the windows of buildings.
Bird Collisions in the Anthropocene is a project that spreads awareness about this occurrence specifically in the year 2023, where it was calculated that 10,836 birds died due to bird-window collisions. Greenberg is passionate about teaching the public about the severity of these collisions and how people can make their windows bird-safe.
Greenberg and her team plan to make the exact number of birds that died in 2023 using felt and creativity. The project is community-wide, and there are opportunities to host a bird-making workshop in people’s own communities.
Back in the classroom, students were able to choose a specific bird to replicate. That bird represents an actual bird that died in 2023. Using felt and glue, the artists could be creative in their expression of their chosen bird. Learn more about this project through the website: https://www.hollygreenberg.com/bird-collisions-anthropocene.