Recently, energy drinks have been trending throughout social settings. Chances are, you are currently reading this article with a can of Celsius in front of you, oblivious to the potential toll it may take on your body. Here are some downsides to the consumption of highly caffeinated beverages such as Red Bull and other energy drinks.
Heart complications are a potential impact of energy drinks. The high amount of caffeine and other stimulants in energy drinks may lead to problems such as arrhythmia (the irregular beating of one’s heart,) and high blood pressure. While the consumption of one energy drink may not show signs of heart problems, drinking energy drinks on a daily basis may lead to consistent irregularities in the heart and in extreme cases, cardiac arrest.
The pH of energy drinks, which ranges from 1.5 to 3.3, is highly acidic. This high acidity combined with high levels of sugar may cause problems to enamel on the teeth, causing it to break down and further lead to cavities and sensitive teeth. The sugar found in energy drinks may also feed the bacteria that causes plaque buildup on the teeth, further leading to tooth decay.
Energy drinks may also cause insomnia, or problems with sleeping. In a Norwegian Study published in the BMJ Medical Journal, it was found that people who drank energy drinks daily were found to sleep an average of 30 minutes less than those who did not drink energy drinks on a regular basis. It has also been found that people who consume energy drinks daily may have a harder time falling asleep than those who do not drink them so frequently. These unhealthy sleeping implications, once experienced on a daily basis, may lead to long term impacts on the body in problems concerning mental health and physical needs.
If consumed on a daily basis, the consumption of energy drinks may lead to an addiction akin to those with drugs and alcohol. Drinking a Red Bull or a Celsius may lead to short term pleasure, caused by the body releasing dopamine. The constant consumption of these substances, however, may lead to a dependence on this dopamine release to feel constant pleasure, leading to an addiction to the drink. Without this drink, a person may feel withdrawal which could imply headaches, fatigue, and nausea.
While it may seem satisfying to experience a momentary energy boost, energy drinks are detrimental in the long run to bodily processes. There are other healthier options that are available, including kombucha, a type of fermented tea devoid of artificial sweeteners that are found in energy drinks. While consuming energy drinks, it is important to consider the health implications it may have on the body and to address our beverage intake accordingly.