For the past year, everyone has seen, and certainly heard, the construction going on around the school. But what are some of the main changes we can find coming back from the summer?
For one thing – and maybe the most important thing for some students- the House 2 Snack Shack is gone! Completely sealing it up with a whole new wall may seem a little excessive, but either way, there is no way to access it now. So if you are in House 2 for Wellness break, you can now get your food from either of the two lunch lines in the cafeteria. Conversely, the House 1 Snack Shack is back and running after its closure at the end of last year.
Besides the new wall, the cafeteria also displays other in-progress construction as a part of the eventual two-story cafeteria addition. Our new principal, Mr. McNamara says that this may be “the most impactful change, as it is important that everyone can have lunch.”
But with the new cafeteria there will also be renovation to the hallways that connect House 1 and 2 to improve the pedestrian traffic flow. Students may be most excited about that part, considering the current hallway traffic. According to Mr. McNamara, a new connection from the foyer over to where the aux gym is will be completed by November.
If you walk down the math hallway, you will surely see the missing ceiling panels. This may be part of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) control upgrades that are set to come. Additionally, there have been many temporary relocations for classes. For example, the brojo room – once located at the front of the math hallway – now resides near the door to the modules in the art hall. The brojo room will be eventually put adjacent to the auditorium when construction is finalized. But this December the photo room and aux gym should also be finished.
The new technology wing is also finally opened up. Though not very large, the wing does include the new workshop with special high ceilings – made to fit drone-flying!