Get ready to kick off the year with Fayetteville-Manlius High School’s very own homecoming, celebrated by a week full of fun activities, spirit, and a (much-requested) dance to wrap it all up.
The week leading up to homecoming is filled to the brim with fun ways to show your style, creativity, and, most importantly, spirit! Whip out your red, white, and blue outfits everyone, cause it’s time for ‘Merica Monday! Tuesday is class colors; support your grade by wearing black (senior,) white (junior,) green (sophomore,) or gray (freshmen). Wednesday is country versus country club and Thursday is Tourist day. For the grand finale, Friday is white-out! Homecoming t-shirts will be sold in the foyer from 10/2-10/6 after school for $15, perfect for Friday’s spirit.
Battle of the Classes will be hosted on Tuesday, October 3rd, from 6-7:30 PM in the House 2 Gym. Join your classmates for a (totally) friendly competition between the classes, and make sure to wear your class colors, as well. Free admission; just show up and have a blast with your friends–you even get bragging rights if you win!
The pep rally will be during the eighth period on Friday, October 6th. Bring all the hype you’ve got, cause we have talented groups performing as well as captain introductions and match-offs. At 5:30 the same day is the Homecoming tailgate with face paint and snacks provided. Come hang out before the parade from 7-9 PM, where the classes will show off their Mattel-themed floats.
The most anticipated event of the week, the Homecoming Dance, will be held on Saturday, October 7th, from 6-9 PM. Get your semi-formal attire and be ready to dance the night away (courtesy of Dua Lipa and a DJ). Free neon face paint, snacks, and drinks will be available. A photo booth with a backdrop will be open to take pictures with your friends. Student Council, after hearing the requests of the students from the school, has been hard at work preparing for these events, so please be sure to enjoy yourselves out there and party hard!