Five reasons you should join The Buzz

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If you missed the spring application process, you can still join the writing group for the FM High School’s newspaper, The Buzz. Here’s why you should join FM’s newspaper, The Buzz for the 2023 to 2024 school year.

Reason 1. You get your own profile page on The Buzz, which you can customize within reason.

Reason 2. You can write articles on topics you choose. If you wish to write an article on why goldfish make amazing pets, you can, as long as you don’t stretch the information

Reason 3. You can be part of an extracurricular organization that provides information to the rest of the school. As a member of The Buzz myself, I believe that information from news is really important and that local news is even more important.

Reason 4. You can get awards for your amazing work if you do well enough.

Reason 5. It’s really fun to do. As a Buzz member, I can say that being able to generally choose either what you can write is very fun and you should definitely join!

If you want to join, contact any staff member for details or see Mr. DeForest in Room 1107.  If you want to receive notifications of news, use the app from the image connected to this article.

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