The annual FM Turkey Trot
FM students pose on the track after participating in the Turkey Trot.
Thanksgiving morning of November 24th, 2022. The event attracted people from all across the community to participate in racing events, volunteer opportunities, and to cheer on others.
The event consisted of three main races: an eight-kilometer race, a four-kilometer race, and a kids fun run. While the fun run remained only on the track, the course for the 8k and 4k expanded across the high school campus and finished in a cluster of celebration on the track.
The male and female first place winners of each race were awarded with pumpkin pies, keeping all aspects of the race on theme with Thanksgiving. This year’s MC team was also present at the Turkey Trot, collecting donations to raise money for Dance Marathon 2023. As an annual event, many members of the community look forward to the thrill of each year’s race, and most importantly, the meal and family time that follows.