December Monthly Mini-Read
Here are the most interesting December (Car Donation Month) facts that are definitely worth noting…
Aaron Rogers, Britney Spears, Jay-Z, Walt Disney, Larry Bird, Dwight Howard, Bobby Flay, John Jay (first US chief justice), Taylor Swift, Beethoven, Brad Pitt, JoJo, Jesus Christ, Sir Issac Newton, Clara Barton, Jimmy Buffet, Woodrow Wilson, Tiger Woods, and LeBron James.
Dec. 18th–26th – Hanukkah
Dec. 24th–Christmas Eve
Dec. 25th–Christmas
Dec. 26–Jan. 1st – Kwanzaa
Dec. 31st – New Year’s Eve
- In Bhopal India, 4000 people were killed after a gas cloud escaped from a pesticide plant (December 3, 1984).
- Martin Luther King Jr. led the Montgomery Bus Boycott in response to Rosa Parks’ arrest four days prior (December 5, 1955).
- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which sparked the U.S to join WWII and declare war on Japan a day later (December 7, 1941). This tragic attack spanned two hours, and during that short time, 2403 people were killed and 1143 were left wounded.
- The first Nobel Prize was given out, which was shared between Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy (December 10, 1901).
- Kenya gained independence after over 43 years of British rule (December 12, 1963).
- The Boston Tea Party (December 16, 1773). In response to the British Tea Tax, furious Americans protested by dumping a mere 46 tons of tea into the Boston Harbor (I guess that’s a good way to make a point). Just as a reference, that’s four and a half times the weight of a T. rex.
- The Wright brothers performed the first successful man powered airplane flight (December 17, 1903).
- The first ever NFL Pro playoff game was played between Portsmouth Spartans and Chicago Bears, with the final score being 9–0 in favor of the latter (December 18, 1932).
- The first crossword was published, created by British journalist Arthur Wynne (December 21, 1913). Interestingly, he referred to the puzzle as a “Word-Cross” which was in the shape of a diamond that lacked any black squares.
- Dr. Joseph E. Murray performed the first successful kidney transplant on a human (December 23, 1954).
- The U.S Congress officially recognized the Pledge of Allegiance (December 26, 1945).
- In six South and Southeast Asian countries, a total of over 200,000 people died from an underwater earthquake (December 26, 2004). The earthquake took place near Sumatra blowing water thousands of miles and was recognized as the worst earthquake in forty years.
- Thomas Edison patented the radio (December 29, 1891). Yeah, just one of the 1093 of his patents in his lifetime…
- The first ever New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square was held (December 31, 1904). The famous ball drop has been lowered every single year since 1907, with the exception of 1942 and 1943 due to wartime blackout observation.
And to wrap it up, the official best day of December is the 8th, which provides the insanely intriguing combo of Official Lost & Found Day and Toilet Paper Appreciation Day.

Ethan Wong is a junior at Fayetteville-Manlius High School. This is his third year as a member of The Buzz, and he currently serves as Features Editor....